Logon Event Types

Location and Format

The Security Event Logs will give us the context needed to analyze certain logon events C:\Windows\System32\winevt\logs\Security.evtx”


Logon Event Types are able to provide us very specific information about a logon that has occurred. In addition to the date, time, user, hostname, and success/failure status. They also provideus the exact means in which a logon was attempted.

Forensic Uses

Event ID 4624 Logon Type Explanation 2 = Logon via console 3 = Network Logon 4 = Batch Logon 5 = Windows Service Logon 7 = Credentials used to unlock screen; RDP session reconnect 8 = Network logon sending credentials (cleartext) 9 = Different credentials used than logged on user 10 = Remote interactive logon (RDP) 11 = Cached credentials used to logon 12 = Cached remote interactive (similar to Type 10) 13 = Cached unlock (similar to Type 7)

Analysis Tools

Example Analysis


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